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Ticket to paradise

iPad app and web interactive map for the Australian National Museum exibition

Ticket to paradise record

Ticket to paradise is an iPad app to support the exhibition with the same name for the Australian National Museum. The exhibition tells the story of 50 years of migration to Australia with interactive maps, video archives and user generated content.

Interactive map

Ticket to paradise map
Ticket to paradise detail

With the interactive map users can use a simple sliders to “plot” animated arches of big migrations. Larger the number of migrants thicker the line.

Video interview

Ticket to paradise app save video
Ticket to paradise app answer landing
Ticket to paradise app answer landing
Ticket to paradise app save video

Users can add content to the exhibition by recording a video of their story. The video recording follows a reporter interview with time to answer 3 simple questions. The video then is checked by staff and becomes part of the video archive.