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Style ID

iPad app for salons and hairdressers

Style ID is an iPad app for hairdressers and salon owners to manage their clients experience. Salons can add customers and build a history of haircuts.

Face shape finder

Style ID Tour

The hairstylist takes a photo of the customer and matches it with the right face shape. Knowing it’s face shape customers can browser the style to match

Style finder

Style ID Tour

Customers can browse and favourite the most popular haircuts and styles

###Haircut notes

Style ID Tour

Hairstylists can enter information colour, hair care, treatments, future vision and more. That info is stored for the next appointment

###Before / after

Style ID Tour

When the hairdresser finishes the job they can take a photo of the customer and compare with previous style. These pictures are then stored in the user history for future checks.

###Schedule next visit

Style ID Tour

Hairdressers can schedule a next appointment and customers will receive a reminder few days before it