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Web and mobile app to help people quit smoking

Goalpost homepage
Goalpost supporters experience

Goalpost uses the power of social networks, game mechanics and medical research to help people become smoke-free. It is a 12-week ‘game’ with challenges and support along the way, helping users to stay motivated throughout the quit process.

Goalpost tasklist
Goalpost newsfeed
Goalpost profile

The 12 week program

The user is kept on track throughout the course with tips, tasks, challenges and rewards, encouraging self-efficacy and breaking old habits and emotional dependencies.

Panic button

Users who are struggling with a strong craving can press the ‘panic button’. An alert will go out to the Goalpost community prompting support, ideas for sitting out the craving & positive peer pressure to resist it.

Goalpost friends invitation

Community support

The Goalpost community includes others in the process of quitting, people who have successfully finished the programme, family and friends who are supporting them, and experts providing ongoing advice and motivation.


Users who have given into their craving have the support of the ‘rehab’ feature. They can sign up for a challenge to help get back on track by remaining smoke-free for the next 3 days with support & tips along the way.


Since its beta launch in July 2012, 7000 users have utilized Goalpost and achieved a quit rate of 23% (as at 28 February 2014).

The current average quit rates for the North American Quit Consortium is 4% and Quitline New Zealand is 12%.

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